LIFT Substitution

Here's an interesting tech that comes in handy for Bistrover and onwards.


In IIDX 28 Bistrover, they altered floating hi-speed such that switching off your lane cover ALSO floats, not just turning it on. This means that tech reliant around having a specific white number and then removing your lane cover now requires regular hi-speed.

The idea around LIFT Substitution is that it enables you to read without a SUDDEN+ cover without having to read the entire playfield by using a LIFT to cover it. For example, if you normally play with 100 SUDDEN+ and 200 LIFT, for a chart that speeds up you could use 300 LIFT and remove your SUDDEN+ cover mid chart. This allows you to toggle between 2 lane covers without reading 1000 playfield.


  1. Combine the WN of your SUDDEN+ cover and LIFT together and put 90-100% of that into your LIFT (100% if you can read with lots of WN, 90% if you prefer a bit of fast reading)
  2. Find the optimal WN for your sudden+ cover depending on the chart. For example, Marie Antoinette goes from 205BPM -> 248BPM, so you would set your SUDDEN+ to (1000 - Lift) * (1 - 205 / 248) (170ish)
  3. Disable your lane cover before the speedup.

This method can also be used in reverse, where you begin the chart with no lane cover and then enable it. Useful for charts like SABER WING, where I personally turn on lane cover during the slowdown and off right after.


  • You get to read the whole chart at your comfortable White Number, while also having flexibility for soflan
  • Synergises extremely well with charts where you have a gap to mess around with your lane cover
  • Extremely good for charts that speed up for peak and slow back down to an easy section and vice versa


  • You have to look higher than you probably want
  • You may need a calculator, although setting up precise numbers is actually easier with non-floating hi-speed
  • Becomes a crutch for charts with multiple speed changes if you can't read high WN