Regular Hi-speed vs Floating Hi-speed

Here is a comparison table for performing different actions between the 2 Hi-speed modes.

Floating hi-speed Regular hi-speed
Gear shift up Hi-Speed = Hi-Speed + 0.5x
(Max 10.00x)
Decrease GN and floats
Gear shift down Hi-Speed = Hi-Speed - 0.5x
(Min 0.5x)
Increase GN and floats
TT + Start Return to Base GN (float) Changes WN
- If WN goes up, GN goes down
- If WN goes down, GN goes up
Lane cover off ----------------------------------------> GN = (1000-LIFT) / (1000-LIFT-WN) * GN
Lane cover on Return to Base GN (float) GN = (1000-LIFT-WN) / (1000-LIFT) * GN
Change Modes Switch to Floating:
Creates Base GN from current GN
Switch to Regular:
Snaps GN to nearest regular hi-speed amount
Destroys Base GN to use locked amount of speed

Floating Hi-speed


  • More versatile because of Base GN storage
  • Allows you to experiment with lane covers once you find a comfortable Green Number without changing it
  • Floating is easier to perform using compared to Regular Hi-speed, and can also be performed by enabling the lane cover


  • Changing Base GN between charts when dealing with soflan charts is more cumbersome
  • Can accidentally float when trying to gear shift near a scratch note

Regular Hi-speed


  • More simple, especially helpful for new players
  • Allows changing GN mid chart without gear shifting (SUDDEN+)
  • Gear shifts are in smaller increments, which makes gear shifting before soflan more precise
  • Floating does not affect your WN


  • It is more difficult to float, especially when you need to get a quick float in
  • Much more difficult to use for complicated soflan charts

For these reasons, all chart guides on this site will use Floating Hi-speed. However, feel free to get creative with the simpler soflan charts as Regular Hi-speed can definitely pull its weight.