Contributing to

Thanks a lot for contributing. GitHub link

How the website currently operates is the main branch contains markdown files and other images for the site, and then MkDocs can compile a website and push that to gh-pages. This means you should only push changes to the main branch.

Rules for contributing

While I don't want to be too restrictive on changes, I do want this site to have a consistent look.

  • Each method must have a difficulty rating before it constructed using ASCII stars (☆★)
  • Make sure you include a timestamped YouTube video of a chart if you are making a new page, as well as text stating "Played by [player name]"
  • Use minimalist naming techniques (eg, dont say method 1 if there is only 1 method etc etc)
  • You MUST include alternative titles for songs that aren't in japanese. This includes translations for katakana song names, and nicknames for songs (such as using scorpion fire)

Guidelines for contributing

Things that aren't necessary, but recommended.

  • DO use screenshots directly from textage, preferably using colour schemes from other entries. If you use new colours, make sure to mention them in your tech (eg, float at the orange line).
  • DO try to use square or more vertical screenshots as these look nicer on mobile devices.
  • DO try to follow my file name conventions for song titles. Day Dream ->, Session 9 -Chronicles- ->
  • DO try to include an easy tech AND a difficult tech for any entries you submit. Don't overdo it (eg, telling people to float ganymede).
  • DO create entries for charts that do not require tech with a "NO TECH REQUIRED" method.