Chart Preview

Chart played by LUMINE


★★☆☆☆ Set for 165 (optional) + reading slow

While the second half of the chart is at 165BPM, the chart starts at 161BPM. If this slight increase bothers you, you can adjust your Base GN to 165/161 * current GN. Do note that this will make the slow section a little bit slower.

This chart has a light slowdown but quickly returns to 161BPM, and then raises to 165BPM. If the patterns are too abstract to hit, they are definitely easier on non-ran. The short slow reading section isn't really worth floating over, nor does the chart give you any good sections to gear shift, so no-tech is fine for this chart.

You can see just how short the soflan section is on the image below, and also in the chart preview.