(This Is Not) The Angels

Chart Preview

Chart played by DOLCE.


★★★☆☆ Memorisation

This chart has various, but repetitive, bursts of slow reading. The easiest way around this is to just recognise these patterns and learn how to react to them.

Pattern 1: Pauses

This chart has many stops akin to those in SABER WING, where the BPM will become very slow and the chart will make you react to an oncoming note slowly before jumping back up to normal speed.

Both of these are at the beginning of the chart. The signal for these is a 1/2 beat sized gap at 130BPM. The gap is actually a whole beat.

Both of these are circled on the image below.

TINTA pause

Pattern 2: 75% scroll slow sections

While these might seem like they are at random spots, there is actually a signal that one of these is oncoming, and a way to remember when the chart speeds back up.

The signal is that the upcoming notes are just about all 1 density (single notes). This happens at BOTH 75% scroll sections.

The way to remember when to stop reading slow is that the chart is only slow for 4 beats at 130BPM. While this is trivial for the second slow reading section as there is a large gap for you to adjust to the chart speeding back up, it can be helpful for the first section.

TINTA slow

Pattern 3: Quadruple scratches

Whenever you see 4 scratch notes closely grouped together it is the exact same rhythm. | | | - | - - -

If you are unsure of how fast this is, here at 1:45 in the preview video you can see the pattern in action. The chart always has a gap after these scratches, so you have time to readjust back to the regular scroll speed.

TINTA scratch